Desk Toys – Toy Plans

One of the great things about woodworking is that the possibilities are limited only by your choice of wood plans and your imagination. So why limit yourself to building furniture? We have found five great wood plans for exciting and unique woodworking projects that are sure to be fun to build, and even more fun to show off. Here they are in no specific order:

Do not rush when choosing a plan. Not all of the plans that are available offer the same quality. Better quality plans will be clear; offer different vantage point photos; provide a list of the materials needed, a cutting diagram, and more than one dimensional drawing.

Knowing that you made them toys will mean a lot to them when they get older. And there are so many different wooden toy plans to choose from they could end up with a lot of them. Anything from wooden blocks to moving puppets. The only thing holding you back is your imagination and your skill level.

The Funny Airplane Toy Plan is very popular among the kids. This plane allows the kid to move about and imagine flying in the sky, although not literally. It has movable parts and is compact and perfect, which is just the perfect thing for this age.

While office parties in theory should be a blast, in reality they can be as much drudgery as a trip to the dentist for a root canal. Throwing your coworkers, supervisors, bosses and “head honchos” into the mix with your spouse, partner, or date, and you usually have (at least) an uncomfortable situation. While most folks feel obliged to attend the annual office party(s), hardly anyone actually wants to. But much like a staff meeting, those who don’t go are considered slackers! And while any office party can be stiff and uptight, you can become the person in your office to turn all of that around with a few savvy office party tips and ideas to make your party fun and engaging.

Of course, not all toys are for kids. Protect your walls from stray darts and keep all of your supplies in one place by building a dartboard cabinet. These wood plans shows you how to build a shallow cabinet you can hang on the wall that will hold your board and supplies. Our favorite part of these woodworking plans are the small bit of chalkboard on the inside of the cabinet door for keeping score. It is a nice touch that makes the whole thing look super-professional.

OK so far so good but what exactly do you get when you purchase Woodworking 4 Home? The answer is the obvious first, you get 14,000 plans plus a 16,000 page eBook and also video instructions.

Most wooden toy plans are designed with younger children of 2 – 5 years in mind, however a growing number of plans are for kids of 6 years plus. Some of the more elaborate model type toys might appeal to children of over 9; and if we are honest we will gain a great deal of happiness ‘helping’ youngsters to play with toys that often hold happy memories of our own childhood!

The explanation for this type of behavior is rather simple. In fact, if you try to recall your favorite toy while you were a kid, you will probably remember that its prime time had long passed, but you continued holding it in your arms as you fell asleep. Some people state that their favorite ‘toy’ was not even a regular purchased toy. Any item in the house that a kid for some reason will pick up, toss in the air or play around with can become a toy. As long as children’s imagination is at work, even a rubber band or a pillow can become a toy with which a child will feel a close connection.

Start by spending some time researching over the Internet. You can search for sample and free construction plans. These plans normally come from toy collectors like you who would like to share their ideas in building a toy garage. You may also join toy collecting forums. Search for threads that talk specifically about them; join the conversation and make friends. If you have questions to ask, feel free to ask your fellow toy collectors politely and they may be more than willing to share their ideas with you.