Pay The Toll – Gate Plans

Design Product

How many products hit the market and are too expensive, too big, don’t have the desired features or take too long to develop?

Concept Testing is the process or the attempt which is predicted by using the quantitative and qualitative methods to calculate the customer’s response for the new product before it is introduced in the market. Concept Testing helps us to test the success of the new product. Concept Testing provides the guidance for the advertisement, approaches, sales, images or graphics; potential consumers are also engaged in this process to get the basic idea for the product.

This tendency to slip into the next phase of a project is especially prevalent earlier in the timeline, as the desire to keep the team “moving forward” often compromises the original standards set for the completion of a particular phase. Hopes abound that missed deliverables can be completed by running tasks in parallel, or asking for a few extra hours from the team. Eventually however, interdependencies between activities create a bottleneck, whereby so many activities are relying on an incomplete task from a previous phase that the entire project becomes bogged down in finger pointing and repeated missed deliverables, as delays exponentially multiply.

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Does this sound simplistic? On the surface it is very simple. Yet how many business owners follow- through and actually do it? Will you?

The Lean Product Development Process