Printable Bird Feeder Plans – Bird Feeder Plans


And with many choices available, you have to be more discriminate with your choice of plans. You have to choose a plan which has both functionality as well as good design. On top of that, a quality plan has to have thorough working diagrams which demonstrates the process in a step by step manner.

You also have to consider the safety of the birds in constructing a feeder. First. they have to be safe from potential predators like your pets or other insects. That is why it is not advised to put some food in the feeder as it will only attract insects.

There are many more models you can make yourself for a fraction of the cost of what they sell for in retail stores.

You can find many designs on

Variety is the most important consideration when setting up a new bird feeding area around your house. Since different bird species have different feeding preferences, the best way to attract a variety of species is to place several different feeders around your yard. You can provide millet and cracked corn on the ground or in tray feeders near ground level for sparrows, doves and quail; sunflower seeds are highly preferred by most songbirds and can be offered at tabletop level or higher to attract chickadees, cardinals, grosbeaks, titmice and house finches; thistle feeders can be placed at the same level predominately for American goldfinches; and suet feeders on tree trunks or hanging from tree limbs for woodpeckers, chickadees, creepers and nuthatches.

Seed Tube Bird Feeder: Open port seed tube bird feeders are considered exclusive bird feeders meaning, they exclude many larger birds. These feeders primarily attract a variety of smaller birds. However, when a seed saver tray is added, it will allow larger birds a place to perch and feed.

Bird feeders plans are wonderful to help you build your favorite bird feeders. There is nothing like bird feeders to make your garden or backyard come to life and attract many species of birds. There are several different models for you to build if you want to attract specific kinds of birds.

Woodworking is not only a fun process to indulge in, but is also a great vehicle to express individual creativity. The amount of woodworking projects out there would be enough to last multiple lifetimes, and a bird feeder is one of the easier ones to get started with. Whether woodworking is a hobby or if it’s something that you would to become highly skilled at, beginners should start off with a do-it-yourself woodworking project. This means taking on something simple so you don’t feel overwhelmed.